University of Dental Medicine, Yangon

In 1964,Revolutionary Council (Government of the Union of Myanmar) set up a dental college as only one dental education institute in Myanmar with the technical cooperation of Colombo Plan of The British Government.

At that time, the new dental college was affiliated to the Institute of Medicine (1), Yangon. Building of Dental College was situated in Yangon General Hospital campus, and at the corner of Shwedagon Pagoda Road and Bogyoke Aung San Road. The first Principal of the new dental college was Prof. Dr. U Aung Than, Oral and Plastic Surgeon of Yangon General Hospital. He was reinforced by Sir Robert Bradlaw from United Kingdom under Colombo Plan. On 2 nd November 1964, the first intake of 17 students had attended six year course leading to Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree. Later the intake was increased to 60 students starting from the year 1965.

In 1974, The College of Dental Medicine was upgraded to the Institute of Dental Medicine (IDM). The members of the teaching staff were also upgraded by sending them abroad for further studies in various fields of dentistry. This enabled the institute to accept yearly about 15-20 candidates for post-graduate studies leading to the degree of Master of Dental Science (M.D.Sc.) starting from 1993. Other dental auxiliary programs such as dental technology training and dental nurse training programs were also affiliated to the institute.

In 1994, State Law and Order Restoration Council permitted to build the new building on the Than Thu Mar Road, Thingangyun Township. In 1997, IDM was moved to the new Thingangyun campus. Undergraduate student intake again increased to 150 starting from the year 2000, then 200 in 2002. In 2002, Doctor of Dental Science (Dr.D.Sc.) course was commenced firstly and clinical teaching staff can attend Doctorate Courses for eight disciplines as capacity building. In affiliation with University of Medicine (I), Dr.Med.Sc (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) Course had been established also. Institute of Dental Medicine was upgraded as University of Dental Medicine, Yangon in 2003 like other Institutes under Department of Medical Science. In November 2005, under the guidance of State Peace and Development Council and with the guidance of Department of Medical Science under Ministry of Health, fifty bedded teaching hospital of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery was successfully inaugurated in the same Thingangyun campus. Moreover, Post Graduate Diploma Course in Dental Implantology is going to be conducted in 2020 academic year by the enforcement of Ministry of Health and Sports.

At present, 1058 students are learning in the various classes under the supervision of 154 teaching staff with the assistance of 170 non-teaching staff. Program for dental nurse training school was reinstituted in 2016.