Professor Dr. Aung Than (1964-1974), (1974-1982)
M.B.,B.S.(Rgn.), D.D.S.( Penn. ), F.A.C.D. (U.S.A), F.I.C.D. (U.S.A) Principal of The College of Dental Medicine,
Rector of the Institute of Dental Medicine
Professor Dr. Khin Maung Lay (1983-1992)
M.B.,B.S.(Rgn.), L.D.S.,R.C.S.(London), M.D.S. (Eng.),
F.I.C.D.(U.S.A), F.I.C.C.D.E. (F.D.I)
Professor Dr. Htay Saung (1993-1995)
M.B.,B.S., Ph.D (Moscow), F.I.C.D. (U.S.A)
Professor Dr. Myint Naing (1995- 1997)
B.D.S.(Cal.), M.D.S.(Bom.), F.I.C.D.(U.S.A)
Professor Dr. Paing Soe (1997- 2003)
M.D. (Stomatology) (Sofia),
Ph.D. (Manchester) F.I.C.D. (U.S.A)
Professor Dr. Ba Myint (2004-2007)
B.D.S.(Pb.), D.Path.( Oral) Ph.D. (Japan),
F.I.C.D. (U.S.A)
Professor Dr. Myo Win (2008 – 2012)
B.D.S.(Ygn.), M.Sc.(London), M.Phil.(London),
Professor Dr. Thein Kyu (2012 -2015)
B.D.S., M.D.Sc., Dr. D.Sc. (Ygn), Dip. Med. Ed. (Ygn),
F.I.C.D. (USA), Advanced Training (Tokyo)
Professor Dr. Shwe Toe (2015 -to date)
B.D.S.(Ygn), M.D.Sc. (Ygn),
Dr.D.Sc., Dip. Med. Edu.